Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cuteness... Wedding Planning [Bride vs. Groom]

I came across this picture on a catering blog this morning and I just had to share because it was so cute and so true...

I love to plan however, details and a time crunch, makes for one stressed Jenny. Most of my girls who know me will tell you that I can be somewhat of a perfectionist. If something is done the right way I don't want to do it at all! LOL!

However,  I have to say that I'm really glad Raymond and I have taken our time to plan our big day and our future together over the past year. I also have to give my man credit, so far he's been very supportive and seems to share a genuine interest in my ideas and in planning the details of our big day, which makes planning our once in a lifetime moment together even more enjoyable. 

That's all for now...

Love Always

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